摘 要

**“Wirex 是世界上第一家發行非接觸式 Wirex
Visa 卡的公司,用戶可以在日常生活中即時轉換和消費加密貨幣”

_《加油站》63 期訪談實錄:_

**Guest info**

Martin Lamming

CMO of Wirex
首席營銷官—全球營銷專家,從事市場營銷超過 19 年。在發現戰略機遇並將其轉化爲以收入爲驅動的營銷活動方面,馬丁有着良好的行業成績。他於 2018 年 6 月加入 Wirex,負責在全球範圍內拓展業務和品牌。他在倫敦、新加坡、日本和加拿大領導着一個由 20 多名專業營銷人員組成的團隊。馬丁負責在全球建立營銷團隊,併爲每個地區制定戰略。他擁有紮實的金融服務初創企業背景,包括 Smart
Currency Exchange 和領先的全球外匯經紀商 FXTM。

_孫禎妮:_Welcome to 499 Block, here are 499 excellent ladies who work in
Blockchain industry。我先給大家分享一下好看 Wirex Visa 卡,實體卡真的超好看,薄荷綠帶珠光。

Martin Lamming:Good morning everyone. Thank you for inviting me.

Hi girls very kind words. Its nice to meet you all.

第一次做主持人,我也有點緊張。我先來用中文介紹一下 Wirex 這個項目和 Martin 本人。然後會向 Martin 雙語提問,Martin 回答英文,我再給大家翻譯成中文。


那我就開始嘍,先介紹一下 Wirex:

Wirex 是一家總部位於英國、擁有 FCA 電子支付牌照的全球領先的個人和企業數字貨幣解決方案提供商。Wirex 的支付平臺開創了加密貨幣與傳統法定貨幣的兌換服務,支持多種貨幣賬戶、貨幣轉賬和兌換服務。Wirex 在全球擁有近 200 萬註冊用戶,分佈在 130 個國家和地區。

Wirex 平臺目前支持 9 種加密貨幣 (比特幣、萊特幣、XRP、以太幣、Lumens、Waves、Wollo、DAI、NANO) 和 11 個傳統貨幣賬戶 (包括英鎊、歐元、美元、港幣、澳元、加元、瑞士法郎、捷克克朗),並且正在醞釀增加一批新的加密貨幣和法定法幣。

Wirex 是世界上第一家發行非接觸式 Wirex
Visa 卡的公司,用戶可以在日常生活中即時轉換和消費加密貨幣。該平臺爲加密貨幣和法定貨幣交易所提供不受限制的場外交易。

WXT 是 Wirex 平臺基於 Staller 公鏈上發行的代幣,廣泛用於 Wirex 平臺內外,代表一個 Wirex 平臺內的網絡手續費和獎勵單位。WXT 可以使我們不斷增長的 B2C 和 B2B 用戶社區受益。WXT 的持有者可以節省網絡費用,並獲得獨特的財務回報。

它的使用方法就像剛剛展示的。手機上裝有 Wirex 的 APP, 將數字貨幣存在 Wirex
APP 中(你可以理解爲是一個數字貨幣錢包),配合 Wirex 和 VISA 聯合發行的借記卡,消費的時候將錢包中的數字貨幣在 APP 中在線轉換成法幣,比如美元,英鎊,歐元,港幣等等,就可以直接在可使用 VISA 通道清算的 POS 機上刷卡消費啦!

我們給羣裏大部分的小姐姐還準備了定製 Wirex 卡面的海報,稍後直播結束後會給大家展示。

一個 OK 交易所的小哥哥說,Martin 的眼睛裏享有一片海洋,他沉醉在 Martin 的眼睛裏。

Martin Lamming:I like this group already. I am sure, everyone seems

_孫禎妮:_No one don\’t love this group! Let\’s start our AMA


1, Why do you choose to enter the blockchain field entrepreneurship?

Martin Lamming:Technology is developing very quickly. It is no surprise
that many entrepreneurs are entering the blockchain and fintech arena as the
industry has huge potential, not just in relation to digital money and
cryptocurrencies, but also in utilising blockchain technology, which has the
potential to revoluntionise industries from retail, to property, to healthcare
and so on.

We saw the potential in blockchain to revolutionise the financial services
sector which is rapidly becoming out of touch with the needs of consumers and
businesses. The payment and banking sector has not changed in decades, and
technically, it is more efficient to send your money in an envelope by Fedex
around the world than it is to make the payment with your bank. This is not
satisfactory in 2019, which is why we were one of the first fintech company to
integrate blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies with traditional banking
infrastructure to bridge the gap between the two ecosystems for the benefit of
the masses.

The biggest challenge that needs to be overcome in this space, is security of
funds and being able to navigate regulatory frameworks around the world. Wirex
takes this very seriously, which is why we are one of only three crypto
friendly companies in the world to be awarded an FCA e-money licence.

如今技術發展迅猛。許多企業家都進入了區塊鏈和 fintech 等領域行業,因爲他們看到了其巨大的潛力 , 不僅關係到數字貨幣和加密貨幣,而且他們也在應用區塊鏈技術。而區塊鏈對於它有潛力零售行業 , 房地產、醫療等有着革命般的潛力。

我們看到了區塊鏈的潛力,它將徹底改變金融服務行業,該行業正迅速脫離消費者和企業的需求。支付和銀行業幾十年來都沒有改變,從技術上講,用聯邦快遞 (Fedex) 把錢裝在信封裏寄到世界各地,比用銀行轉賬更有效率。都 2019 年了,這十分讓人失望。(皇家小翻譯備註:都 9102 年了,銀行轉賬還這麼慢)。這就是爲什麼我們是第一個將區塊鏈技術和加密貨幣與傳統銀行基礎設施結合起來的金融科技公司之一,以彌合這兩個生態系統之間的鴻溝,造福大衆。

在這個領域,需要克服的最大挑戰是資金的安全性,以及能夠符合全球監管。Wirex 非常重視這一點,這也是爲什麼我們是世界上僅有的三家獲得 FCA 電子貨幣許可證的加密貨幣公司之一。(皇家小翻譯:另外兩家是 Coinbase,

_孫禎妮:_第二個問題:Wirex 能夠對人生的生活產生哪些便利呢?

2,What convenience can Wirex bring to life?

Martin Lamming:Part of Wirex\’s mission is to give people and businesses
control over their money and allow them to utilise all forms of currency. Our
solutions are a quicker, cheaper, more flexible and more scalable alternative
to existing banking and payment infrastructure. We don\’t believe that payments
should wait up to a week to reach their intended destination with high costs
and poor exchange rates as often imposed by traditional banks. We believe that
this should be instant, with minimal fees and no barriers to entry. This is
why we do not restrict access to the best exchange rates and offer OTC and
interbank rates to every Wirex customer, regardless of the amount. Money can
be sent via cryptocurrency or stablecoins that minimise market volatility, or
users can use traditional money and existing banking infrastructure. The
choice is theirs.

The other major convenience is being able to offboard cryptocurrencies and use
them in everyday life. The ability to convert crypto into fiat and withdraw,
spend or transfer it, has traditionally been a long, expensive and restrictive
process. Wirex solves this problem.

Wirex 的其中一個使命是讓人們和企業真正管控他們的資金,並允許他們使用所有形式的貨幣。我們的解決方案比現有的銀行和支付基礎設施更快、更便宜、更靈活、更可擴展。我們認爲,傳統銀行通常會實施高成本、高匯率的付款方式,但我們不認爲人們需要等待整整一週才收到匯款。我們認爲,這應該是即時,費用最低,而且沒有進入壁壘。這就是爲什麼我們不限制最佳匯率,並向每一位 Wirex 客戶提供場外交易和銀行間利率,並且不管這筆匯款的金額是多少。資金可以通過加密貨幣或穩定幣進行轉賬,從而將市場波動降至最低,用戶也可以使用傳統貨幣和現有的銀行基礎設施。選擇權在他們自己手中。

另一個主要的便利是能夠在日常生活中使用加密貨幣。現在,將加密貨幣轉換爲發幣,並提取、使用或轉賬是一個漫長、昂貴和受限制的過程。Wirex 解決了這個問題。皇家小翻譯備註:我覺得 Wirex 的核心願景是讓未來的支付快捷,低手續費,安全,讓數字貨幣可以通行全世界。


第三個問題:中國用戶目前可以申請使用 Wirex 嗎?

3,Can Chinese users apply for Wirex now?

Martin Lamming:At the moment, a wide range of countries can benefit from
various aspects of the Wirex platform. Due to local regulatory requirements,
available features vary by territory. In the SE Asia region, our account
services are available in Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, Thailand,
Vietnam and Australia. We will be launching the multicurrency Wirex Visa card
in a couple of months in a staggered roll out that initially concentrates on
Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea and Australia during the first
phase. We are very excited about this as we will be able to offer these
countries more products and services than anyone else in this region.

We will be looking to integrate other payment systems into Wirex in the near

目前,許多國家都可以 Wirex 平臺的各個方面獲益。由於當地法規的要求,可以獲得的 Wirex 服務因地區而異。在東南亞地區,我們的賬戶服務遍及新加坡、香港、臺灣、韓國、泰國、越南和澳大利亞。我們將在幾個月內分階段逐步推出推出多幣種 Wirex
Visa 卡,並且第一階段主要集中向香港、新加坡、臺灣、韓國和澳大利亞推廣。我們對此感到非常興奮,因爲我們將能夠向這些國家提供比本地服務商更多的產品和服務。

皇家小翻譯備註:目前中國人暫時還不能直接申請,如果你有歐盟地區的住址或者居住證就可以申請哦。本皇家翻譯有個朋友目前住在中國,但是他之前有英國的住址,就可以申請 Wirex 的 VISA,可以在全球所有接收 VISA 卡的都可以使用 .

在不久的將來,我們會把其他的支付系統集成到 Wirex 裏面來 .


4,Are there plans to list more digital and fiat currencies in the future?

Martin Lamming:We are continually looking for ways to improve Wirex and
its services for our customers. Part of this involves incorporating new and
exciting tokens and currencies, as evidenced by our recent partnership with
Stellar. We see the addition of new digital and traditional currencies as an
integral part of the movement towards a wider token-based economy – hence the
integration of novel cryptocurrencies like Nano and the DAI stablecoin.

The next major digital currency release will be the launch of 26 fiat-backed
Wirex Stablecoins, built on the Stellar network. Stablecoins are seen by many
as the future of digital currency, particularly for the purpose of swift, low-cost international remittance – releasing our own will revolutionise the way
our customers move their money around.

我們一直致力於尋找改進 Wirex 以及完善我們的客戶服務,其中就包括納入新的加密貨幣和法幣,我們最近與 Stellar 合作所證明了這個行動哦。我們認爲,新的數字貨幣和傳統貨幣的加入,是通證經濟發展的一個不可分割的環節——因此,像 Nano 和 DAI
穩定幣這樣的新型加密貨幣也將被納入 Wirex 的選擇範圍。

下一個將要發行的數字貨幣是建立在 Stellar 網絡上,有 26 個法幣在背後支持的 Wirex 穩定幣。穩定幣被視爲數字貨幣的未來,尤其是對於快速、低成本的國際匯款而言——發行我們自己的穩定幣將徹底改變我們的客戶轉移資金的方式。

皇家小翻譯備註:目前已經有了 9 個數字貨幣都是比較主流的幣種。後面將加入更多被廣泛使用的數字貨幣

_孫禎妮:_第五個問題:很多用戶將 Wirex 定義爲法幣交易所,並將 WXT 當做平臺幣,你們是如何看待呢 ?

5,Many users define Wirex as a fiat currency exchange and WXT as a platform
token. What do you think?

Martin Lamming:We are one of the only platforms to give retail customers
access to the OTC and interbank rates for crypto and fiat exchanges –
something normally reserved for financial institutions and high-worth

We were the first to offer a debit card that allows our customers to use their
cryptocurrency like conventional fiat money, dragging digital currency from a
speculative asset to a genuine method of payment.

We introduced the worlds first crypto-rewards programme in which Cryptoback
pays out 0.5% in crypto on all in-store purchases made with the Wirex Visa

We are one of the few crypto-friendly platform to offer a realistic Business
solution, opening a door for the thousands of crypto-friendly businesses that
struggle to open conventional bank accounts.

The Wirex Token is more than just a token – it\’s a tool that allows all of our
customers to improve their Wirex experience, whether that’s with discounted
fees, super-charged rewards or exclusive merchant offers.

我們是唯一一個向散戶客戶提供場外交易和銀行間利率 (用於加密貨幣和法幣交易) 的平臺,而這通常只爲金融機構和高價值投資者提供。高淨值的用戶提供,我們是全世界第一家提供借記卡的公司,允許我們的客戶像使用法幣一樣使用加密數字貨幣,將數字貨幣從一種投機性資產改變到一種真正的支付方式。

我們推出了世界上第一個加密貨幣獎勵計劃,在該計劃中,Cryptoback 對所有使用 Wirex Visa 卡的消費返現 0.5%。

是爲數不多提供現實商業解決方案的加密貨幣平臺之一,爲成千上萬難以在銀行開戶的企業打開了一扇門。(皇家小翻譯備註:還有 2B 業務) Wirex 通證不僅僅是一個通證——它也是一個工具,讓我們的客戶提高他們使用 Wirex 的體驗,無論是通過打折的費用、額外的獎勵還是獨家的商家優惠。

皇家小翻譯備註:Wirex 的 WXT 代幣不止是一個平臺幣(我認爲是比肩與 Coinbase 的,想想一下如果 Coinbase 法幣平臺幣的價值,全世界炒幣的可能會瘋誒),除了平臺幣的價值,他還有更多的想象空間。

_孫禎妮:_這麼好看的 VISA 卡和小姐姐們很配。


6,What is the payment experience like now? Will there be any delay in payment?
How to secure user assets?

Martin Lamming:On the 1st of July, WXT will be instantly available for
trading on OKEx. This subject OKEx\’s payment rules. Post 1EO the token will be
available to buy through Wirex as well, with no lock-up period. Customer
security is our greatest priority. As a result, we have implemented the
highest-possible standard of security throughout he Wirex platform.

Funds are held in multi-signature, cold-storage cryptocurrency accounts.
2-Factor Authentication (2FA) and sophisticated Device Authorisation ensures
that only customers have access to their accounts.Wirex is PCI DSS Level
1-certified for the highest standard of payment security. This means that our
security measures are regularly tested by external 3rd parties. We\’re the only
European-headquartered crypto friendly company to hold a Financial Conduct
Authority (FCA) e-money licence.

Our infrastructure is audited by 3rd parties on regular basis. On top of this,
we\’ve been operating since 2014 and have a positive track record in keeping
our customers’ fiat and crypto assets safe.

2019 年 7 月 1 日,WXT 將在 OKEx 上進行交易。在 1EO 之後也可以通過 Wirex 自由買賣,也沒有鎖定期。客戶安全是我們的首要任務。因此,我們在整個 Wirex 平臺上都實施了最高的安全標準。資金存放在多簽名、冷存儲的加密貨幣賬戶中,雙因子驗證 (2FA) 和複雜的設備授權確保只有客戶才能訪問他們的帳戶,Wirex 是 PCI
DSS Level
1 認證的最高支付安全標準。這意味着我們的安全措施定期由外部第三方進行測試。我們是唯一一家總部位於歐洲的加密貨幣公司,擁有金融市場行爲監管局 (FCA) 電子貨幣牌照。

我們的基礎設施由第三方定期審計。最重要的是,我們從 2014 年開始運營,在保護客戶的法幣和加密資產安全方面有着良好的記錄。

_孫禎妮:_PCI DSS Level 1 認證是最高級別的支付安全標準,和支付寶一樣的安全等級!

金融市場行爲監管局 (FCA) 電子貨幣牌照,這一塊牌照的價值是全世界只有三家加密貨幣公司擁有,Coinbase, Circle,
Wirex(據說最近 Facebook 也申請了這個牌照,我還沒有查證)。

Coinbase 是全球最優價值的交易所,Circle 是最大的 OTC 市場,可見 Wirex 的實力了。這個是 Wirex 在 FCA 上的牌照展示頁面。

這個是真實可查證的牌照,FCA 也是英國金融市場行爲監管局,牌照是可以通行歐盟各國使用。在他們的許可經營中,第 H 條款是發行電子貨幣。這個牌照的價值真的是超高,Wirex 剛剛開始拓展亞洲市場,所以知名度並不如其他幾家持牌機構高,但是在歐洲還是非常多人知道並且認可的。

第七個問題:Wirex 爲什麼要在內部發行自己的代幣,代幣使用的價值是什麼?

7,Why did Wirex issue its own tokens internally, and what was their value?

Martin Lamming:Firstly, it\’s important to understand why we decided to
launch our own token. There are two main reasons:

1) We are long standing proponents of the token economy. As we developed
the Wirex ecosystem (B2C, B2B, stablecoins), we realised that the platform
would benefit from its own native token. Not only does this allow us to
provide new features for our customers, it also makes our services more cost-efficient for frequent users. Ultimately, we believe that creating our own
token is the best way to prepare for a future economy in which thousands of
tokens will be spendable and exchangeable in everyday life.

2) We\’ve always worked very closely with the Wirex community and wanted to
give them the chance to contribute to our success whilst rewarding them for
their loyalty and dedication. Owning WXT is an unprecedented opportunity for
our users to invest in Wirex and unlock exclusive features such as higher
limits, discounted fees and super-charged rewards.

Token sales are usually fundraising exercises. This is not Wirex\’s top
priority. Ultimately, the long-term success of Wirex and the eventual adoption
of a token economy are our primary concerns.

首先,理解爲什麼我們決定發行自己的 token 是很重要的。主要有兩個原因 :

1)我們是通證經濟的長期支持者。當我們開發 Wirex 生態系統 (B2C、B2B、穩定幣) 時,我們意識到平臺將從它自己的原生通證中獲益。這不僅使我們能夠爲我們的客戶提供新的功能,還使我們的服務對於經常使用我們的用戶來說更加划算。最終,我們相信創造我們自己的通證是爲未來經濟做準備的最好方式,在未來的經濟中,成千上萬的通證將在日常生活中被消費和交換。

2)我們一直與 Wirex 社區緊密合作,給社羣成員們機會,讓他們爲我們的成功做出貢獻,同時獎勵他們的忠誠和奉獻精神。對我們的用戶來說,擁有 WXT 是一個前所未有的機會,可以投資 Wirex,並解鎖一些獨有的功能,比如更高的額度、折扣費用和額外的獎勵。

通證銷售通常是募資行爲。而這並不是 Wirex 的首要任務,最終,Wirex 的長期成功和最終採用象徵性經濟纔是我們的主要關注點。

_孫禎妮:_第八個問題:Wirex 如何運營,來擴大自己的生態系統並保證 WXT 的價格可以穩步增長?

8,How does Wirex operate to expand its ecosystem and ensure that WXT prices
continue to rise?

Martin Lamming:As a company, Wirex aims to be the go-to service for
managing crypto and fiat currency anywhere in the world. The more territories
we expand into, the closer we are to achieving this.

WXT was created as a means of benefitting all of our customers by giving them
access to exclusive rewards and discounts. As such, it has a practical
application beyond that of other tokens. This practicality – and the benefits
endowed by owning WXT – means that there should always be a demand for it;
particularly as our customer database grows in Asia and the US:

WXT is unlikely to drop because it has a genuine application and gives
customers access to exclusive features like enhanced rewards and discounts,
Our WXT pre-sale was 15 times over-subscribed in just 24 hours – far exceeding
our expectations for the sale. As a result, we re-structured the sale to
accommodate this hugely-increased interest.

It\’s important to remember that once WXT is released on the open market, we
will have limited control of its price.

作爲一家公司,Wirex 的目標是成爲全球任何地方管理加密貨幣和法定貨幣的首選服務商。我們拓展的領域越多,就越接近實現這一目標。

WXT 的創建是爲了讓我們所有的客戶都能獲得獨家的獎勵和折扣,並從中受益。因此,它的實際應用超出了其他的通證。這種實用性——以及擁有 WXT 所帶來的好處——意味着應該始終存在對 WXT 的需求 ;
特別是隨着我們在亞洲和美國的客戶數據庫增長而增長 :

WXT 不太可能下跌,因爲它有一個真正的落地應用,併爲客戶提供了獨特的功能,如增強獎勵和折扣。我們的 WXT 預售在短短 24 小時內獲得了 15 倍的超額認購,遠遠超出了我們的預期。因此,我們重新調整了銷售結構,以適應這種大幅度增長的需求。更重要的是,一旦 WXT 在公開市場上流通,我們會對它的價格進行適度的管控。


1、隨着市場區域的拓展越來越多人使用 Wirex,WXT 的價值就會更高


_孫禎妮:_第九個問題:目前已經有很多可以使用數字貨幣的銀行卡或者支付平臺,Wirex 的競爭優勢是什麼?

9,There are already many cards and payment platforms that support digital
currency. What is Wirex\’s competitive edge?

Martin Lamming:The majority of our competitors focus on one aspect of
what Wirex does, be it fiat / crypto, exchange, crypto-enabled payment cards,
or international remittance; but none of them offer the sheer range of
services that we do, on one, intuitive platform.

Wirex was the first company to bridge the gap between crypto and
traditional/fiat currencies by giving its users the ability to spend and make
everyday payments using cryptocurrency. Only recently have competing companies
been able to provide this service to their own customers. In APAC, TenX and
Crypto.com offer crypto-enabled payment cards; however, these are restricted
to countries such as Singapore with slow expansion plans.

Crypto.com are also looking to break ground in the US this year, however the
platform doesn\’t have the banking rails in place to accept bank transfers.
Bitpay is currently only available in the US, has relatively high fees and
only accepts Bitcoin. Other competing cards from the likes of Cryptopay or
Bitwala are limited by the locations they operate in, account and transaction
limits, high fees and a small range of digital and traditional / fiat
currencies on offer.

Wirex is also regulated by the FCA (Financial Conduct Authority), unlike 99%
of competing platforms and companies. Apart from Wirex, only Coinbase (and
Circle) currently hold an FCA e-money licence. With more currencies, more
services, more acceptance and an established history of industry innovation,
Wirex has a tangible edge over its competitors.

我們的大多數競爭對手都只注意到 Wirex 的某一方面,或者是法幣 / 加密貨幣的兌換、交易所、支持加密貨幣的支付卡,或者是國際匯款;但他們卻沒法同時提供所有這些的服務。

Wirex 是第一家填補加密貨幣和傳統 / 法定貨幣之間鴻溝的公司,讓加密貨幣可以用於日常消費。直到最近,Wirex 的競爭對手才能夠爲自己的客戶提供這種服務。APAC,
TenX 和 crypto.com 提供爲客戶提供加密支付卡 ; 然而,也僅限於新加坡等那些擴張計劃緩慢的國家。

Crypto.com 也在尋求今年在美國落地,但該平臺並不具備接受銀行轉賬的銀行系統。Bitpay 目前僅在美國可用,收費也相對較高,而且只接受比特幣。Cryptopay 或 Bitwala 等其它競爭對手的銀行卡會受到來自經營地點、賬戶和交易限制、高昂的收費以及少量數字和傳統 / 法定貨幣的限制。

Wirex 還受到 FCA(金融市場行爲監管局) 的監管,這使得 Wirex 與其他 99% 的公司都不在一個層面。除了 Wirex,目前只有 Coinbase(和 Circle) 持有 FCA 電子貨幣許可證。

Wirex 支持更多的幣種、提供更多的服務、更廣的接納度以及悠久的行業創新史,這些都讓 Wirex 比起競爭對手,有着更大的優勢。

皇家小翻譯總結:就是全球都能用,還有好多別人沒有的功能,還合規有牌照,別人都沒有 !


第十個問題:請介紹一下 Wirex 歷史的融資情況、token 分配、鎖倉 / 解鎖計劃、初始流通盤等二級市場比較關心的數據。

10,Please introduce the financing situation, token allocation, lock/unlock
plan, initial circulation rate and other data that the secondary market is
concerned about.

Martin Lamming:On the institutional side, we are a thriving and
profitable fintech company that raised 3M in equity round from Japanese SBI
Group before now. We are closing a very small token round with only the
absolute top crypto fund (NGC,Genesis, Fenbushi and LinkVC confirmed till this
day) that would bring a lot of resources for future growth.

On crowdfunding side, we are raising up to 3 million from our real users with
6 months lock-up but instant utility of service fees reduction, and a smaller
IEO round on OKEX Jumpstart to acquire more clients and investors. The precise
targets are not confirmed yet and we only would know the fundraising results
on the day I think.

With the fundraising targets mentioned above, we estimate there\’s to be around
4% of WXT in the first few months of trading.

在機構(投資)方面,我們是一家蓬勃發展、盈利豐厚的金融科技公司,此前曾從日本 SBI 集團 (SBI
Group) 融資 300 萬歐元。我們正在結束一輪額度非常小的 token 融資,只接受絕對頂級的加密基金的投資 (NGC,
創世資本,分佈式資本和 LinkVC 截止今天確認了投資),這將爲 Wirex 未來的發展帶來大量的資源。

在衆籌(融資)方面,我們從用戶那裏籌集了多達 300 萬美元,6 個月的鎖倉期,但鎖倉部分可以用來降低和抵扣服務費用。還會在 OKEX
Jumpstart 上進行一輪規模更小的 IEO 融資,以獲得更多的客戶和投資者。具體的目標還沒有定,不過我覺得只有募資結束了我們才能知道到底募了多少錢。

根據上面提到的融資目標,我們估計 WXT 在最初幾個月的流通量約爲 4%。


1、SBI 投資了 300 萬歐元,SBI 是誰還需要解釋嗎???

2、多家知名的區塊鏈創投機構投資,NGC,分佈式,LinkVC,還有我們創世啦 !

3、公募的 300 萬,有鎖倉 6 個月!

4、初始流通盤就只有 4%

小姐姐們這些重點你們看懂了嗎?大家有什麼問題想提問 Martin 的,可以直接英文,或者中文提問,我會翻譯成英文給他。先回答一下 Annie 的問題吧。

For Chinese do we have white list to apply for it ?

Martin Lamming:in terms of being able to get the Wirex Visa card, we
will be rolling out a crad across the APAC region in the next few months. This
will be a multicurrency card that will all to spend crypto and fiat
currencies. This will be a phased roll out.

在 ruhe 獲得 Wirex
Visa 卡方面,我們將在未來幾個月在亞太地區推出 Visa 卡。這將是一張多幣種的卡,所有人都將使用加密貨幣和法定貨幣。這將是分階段推出。

_Trista:_Why does Wirex launch on OKEX firstly?

Martin Lamming:OKEx is one of the world leading crypto exchange, which
made our choice easy. OKEx have already done three successful 1EOs and we have
been impressed by their commitment and professionalism.

OKEx 是世界領先的數字貨幣交易所,讓我們的選擇變得很容易,OKEX 已經做了三個成功的 1EO 項目,他們的敬業和專業精神給我們留下了深刻的印象。

_黃檬 創世資本:_Facebook 的 LIBRA 會對 Wirex 有影響嗎?

Martin Lamming:No I dont believe so, Wirex is a borderless payment
platform that incorporates all types of payments from traditional banking to
cryptocurrencies to stablecoins giving users the choice of how they use their
money. Libra, is currently being pushed as a token for payments, but the
details are still quite vague. It will not be pegged against a fiat currency
and the price may be volatile like most cryptocurrencies. As yet, we need
further details to determine this and whether it can achieve their aim of
remittance payments. we are wondering how they will handle regulatory and
compliance issues on a global scale. We do not see it as a threat though as it
will educate the general public for everyone\’s benefits.

不,我不這麼認爲,Wirex 是一個無國界的支付平臺,它集成了從傳統銀行到加密貨幣到穩定幣的所有類型的支付,讓用戶選擇如何自由地使用他們的錢。Libra,目前正在被推動作爲支付使用的一個代幣,但細節仍然相當模糊。它不會與法定貨幣掛鉤,而且價格可能會像大多數加密貨幣一樣有大幅波動。目前,我們還需要進一步的細節來確定這一點,以及它是否能夠達到他們匯款的目的。我們想知道他們將如何在全球範圍內處理監管和合規問題。但我們並不認爲這是一種威脅,因爲它將爲每個人的利益教育公衆。

_孫禎妮:_我要展示一下九妹與 Wirex.

我們爲羣裏大部分小姐姐都做了專屬 Wirex 卡面的海報!還請大家可以在今晚 8 點轉發朋友圈支持一波 Wirex。

Martin Lamming:Thank you everyone for taking the time today. I hope you
like the Wirex project and the new cards.

_孫禎妮:_Thank you for your time @martin lamming , and wish everythis is
good for Wirex!

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