EOS 生父 :Dan Larimer (BM)

本文由 BM 寫於兩年前:

It occurred to me that many people new to Steem and Steemit may not know much
about me. I think it is time I introduce myself along with everyone else.

很多不熟悉 Steem 和 Steemit 的人可能不瞭解我,是時候介紹一下自己了。

1. The Silver Rule 銀律

As someone who attempts to follow the silver rule, “Don’t do unto others what you don’t want others doing to you.”, I concluded that initiating violence against others is not an option. I know that I cannot remain rationally consistent while violating this rule.


The logical outcome of this belief is that using threats of violence to extort money from others for any purpose is something that is off of the table. This means taxes and everything taxes pays for is off the table. This means war and violent revolution is off the table, but that doesn’t mean I want to sit back and do nothing.


2. Finding Free Market Solutions to Secure Life, Liberty, and Property


About 5 years ago I came to a realization that the solution to the organized crime syndicate commonly referred to as government must be born from the free market. Furthermore, any free market alternative to government that is unable to free us from the current government will not be strong enough to prevent a new government from taking over.

五年前我認識到:解決有組織犯罪集團(常指 government)的辦法一定產自自由市場。而且,任何 government 的替代者都無法把我們從現在的 government 中解救出來,因爲這樣做只會導致新的 government 接管。

I also realized that the demand for life, liberty, and property is very high and anyone who could find a way to provide these things to the market could make a lot of money while making the world a much better place. It was at this point in time that I started looking for non-violent means of rendering violent forms of government powerless.


3. Start with Currency 從貨幣開始

I recognized that money is the root of government power and that use of money is entirely voluntary. No one forces you to be paid in dollars. The initial solution was to adopt gold and silver. I researched it and discovered that others had tried that approach and been shut down by governments. Governments have the power to seize property anywhere in the world. It became clear that the free market would require a form of money that is not backed by physical property.


I was attempting to engineer a digital currency when I discovered Bitcoin in early 2009. I instantly got involved with attempting to promote Bitcoin.

當我在 2009 年初發現比特幣時,我試圖設計一個數字貨幣,我立即參與了試圖推廣比特幣的工作。

4. Divorce 離婚

Around this same time I was also going through a porce. My porce was precipitated as a result of my on-going enlightenment that my ex-wife found to be incompatible with her world view. I was changing and rejecting old beliefs such as my Christian upbringing. The hypocrisy of the church and its widespread support violations of the Silver Rule made associating with that crowd increasingly difficult.


This process distracted me from Bitcoin, but also taught me some hard lessons. Attempting to follow my belief in voluntary dispute resolution, I convinced my ex-wife to use christian arbitration to pide our property and settle issues of custody and child support. This was a big mistake.


The arbitration ruling was somewhat balanced. I would have to pay insane spousal and child support, but she would have to live within 30 minutes or I would get custody. This ruling was supposed to be legally binding, but this is when I learned thatthe government owns our kids and parents have no authority to make binding decisions about custody.

仲裁結果從某種意義上說是平衡的。我不得不支付高到離譜的配偶贍養費和子女撫養費,但如果她不在 30 分鐘內搬離,撫養權將歸我。這個裁決應該有法律約束力,但這使我意識到:

My ex-wife didn’t like the outcome and challenged it in the government courts. This is where I learned how irrational and biased the court system can be. At the end of the day the courts claimed they were bound to enforce the spousal support as ordered by arbitrators, but were free to change the custody. This turned a balanced judgment by arbitrators into a complete loss and made me learn just how corrupt the entire process is.


I realized I was a slave.I was compelled by the court to earn the salary of a software engineer regardless of any desire to start a business or change careers. My ex-wife was getting over half of my after-tax paycheck and I was forced to live with my parents because there was not enough left over to support an independent life. I was broke and near bankruptcy due to legal expenses incurred fighting for my kids for 2 years.


There is nothing more painful than realizing that the mother of your children is willing to shoot and/or kill you unless you bend to her will. She may not do it directly, but, from my perspective, asking the government to do it on her behalf is just the same.


5. Meditation 冥想

It was at the depth of this despair that I learned how to let go. Holding on to anger and resentment was only holding me back. I started meditating and learning who I really was. I learned the joy of living in the moment and not dwelling on my story and the injustice of it all. I had to let go of things I could not change and focus on what I can do. This experience gave me the strength to be calm in any storm.


6. Renewed Commitment 新的使命

Not wanting to give up, I became more determined than ever to finda way to get justice. I started getting back into Bitcoin and attempting to figure out ways to organize society that did not depend upon violence. More specifically, I started looking for ways that everyone could work together to defend ourselves against this organized, family destroying, crime syndicate.


At this time Bitcoin was having problems with governments shutting down exchanges and/or seizing their bank accounts. I realized that Bitcoin could die if we did not have a decentralized alternative to exchanges. This is when I started BitShares and invented BitUSD – the first trustless cryptocurrency pegged to the dollar.

此時,比特幣遇到了一些問題。在政府關閉了交易所,並且凍結交易所的的銀行賬戶。這讓我想到:如果我們沒有一個去中心化的交易所,比特幣就可能消失。此時,我開始寫比特股的代碼,並且發明了 BitUSD,BitUSD 是第一個與美元掛鉤的加密貨幣。

For the next 2 and a half years I systematically worked on solving the technological challenges necessary to bring blockchain technology to a level of maturity that could support a decentralized exchange. The resulting technology is known as Graphene and is what powers BitShares and Steem.

在接下來的兩年半中,我係統地解決了一些關鍵技術挑戰,把區塊鏈技術提升到可支持去中心化交易的成熟水平。由此產生的技術稱爲“石墨烯”,比特股和 Steem 都得到過石墨烯技術的賦能。

7. Social Lessons 社會給我上的課

Years working on BitShares taught me a lot. I learned hard lessons in community building and economics. Over this same period of time the blockchain industry matured. Government regulations became clearer. Centralized exchanges have been accepted and are no longer in danger of being shut down. In other words, the problem I set out to solve became almost a non-issue.

在 BitShares 兩三年的工作,教會我很多,我也學到了很多社區建設和經濟學方面的東西。與此同時,區塊鏈行業已經成熟,政府監管變得清晰,中心化的交易所也已被接受,不再有被關閉的危險。換句話說,我原來捋起袖子打算解決的問題,現在已不存在。

I also learned that my capitalist mindset was too short-sighted. I began to see how building a community around the selfish motives of earning income by charging fees on transactions limited adoption. I learned that “inflation” isn’t theft if it is done to compensate those who bring value. I learned thattrue theft is expecting people to work for free without getting a share in the product. This maturing perspective caused me to perge from many of people who were originally attracted to BitShares.

真正的竊取是期待人們免費生產產品、但卻無法通過產品獲得應有的回報。這種日益成熟的觀點使我與衆多 BitShares 的擁躉分道揚鑣。

8. Starting Steem 啓動 Steem 項目

I decided to take the lessons learned and create a new attempt at building an online community around my new values. These new values are based on the premise thateveryone who brings value deserves a share. They include the idea that the value of the whole is much greater than the sum of the parts. They include the concept of not charging anyone who participates in our community, but rewarding everyone. They include the concept of long-term commitment rather than get-rich quick.





9. The Future 未來

Going forward I hope to leverage the work here with Steem to build markets, insurance, mutural-aid societies, and justice systems that empower our community to disempower government. I believe that properly organized social pressures can be far more powerful than any standing army or government bureaucrat. Through blockchain technology we can organize ourselves and hopefully achieve our liberty.

展望未來,我希望能夠在這裏利用 Steem 來建立市場、保險、扶貧協會和司法系統,使我們的社區能夠卸下政府權力。我相信合理組織的社會壓力比任何常備軍或政府官員都要強大得多。通過區塊鏈技術,我們可以自我組織,實現自由。

Only by working together can we maximize the life, liberty, and property for all. Resorting to violence is a shortcut that can only destroy life, liberty and property. I am honored that so many of your are here and helping me realize this dream.



讀此文前,BM 在譯者眼裏只是個養黑貓的屌屌程序員。

BM 曾在網絡論壇上和被中本聰撕過一次,但他沒有選擇回撕中本聰,而是基於他的價值觀、獨自一人發明出 DPOS 共識算法(戳此複習),寫出 Bitshare、Steemit 以及 EOS 的主幹代碼,在暴力驅動的中心化世界面前,撕下了它的封面。

這是篇讓譯者不禁路轉粉的文章,不是因爲經歷,也不是因爲代碼能力,而是因爲 BM 終於發現了自己的使命,找到了 Something bigger than himself。


對於 BM 而言,代碼能力是馬達,EOS 是車身,使命纔是指南針。