1、 由 XChain 戰略合作伙伴 BGTA 和劍橋創新學院聯合舉辦的科創營圓滿結業

The Venture Camp,co-organized by XChain\’s strategic partner BGTA and the
Cambridge Innovation Institute, was successfully completed

2019 年 1 月 25 日 , 爲期一週的創營在劍橋 Madingley Hall 隆重舉行結業儀式 , 包含 XChain 在內來自 30 餘家企業的創業者喜獲證書

On January 25, 2019, the Venture Camp was held at the Madingley Hall in
Cambridge,where entrepreneurs from more than 30 companies, including XChain,
received a certificate

在爲期一週的強化試集訓中,拉脫維亞青年創業者在劍橋創新學院的專業師資結合行業領軍導師和歐洲著名天使投資人的共同悉心輔導下 , 學習從 IDEAS 到論證再到產品開發和項目包裝 , 貫穿商業計劃書 , 路演 , 融資等 , 涉及創新創業的諸多環節 . 通過成功企業家們親自現身輔導團隊的架構 , 運營 , 市場拓展 , 財務和融資 , 提升創業者們的商業技能和行業知識 , 幫助許多項目迅速進入市場 , 爲進一步發展以及募集資金做足準備

During a week of intensive training in Cambridge Innovation Academy,
entrepreneurs were guided by industry leaders and leading European angel
investors,they learned about initiating ideas, demonstrations, product
development, branding, business plans, roadshows, financing and so on.
Participants largely enhanced their business skills and industry knowledge
from successful entrepreneurs and senior professors. The camp has helped many
projects of the delegation to prepare entering the market and establishing
further development as well as fund raising


三位導師 Chris Lamaison、Phil Coldrick 博士以及 Natalja
Tocelovska 博士分別針對市場調研、智慧財產權以及財務分析三大關鍵議題進行深度解說並以實際案例輔佐學員學習。各創業團隊在課程結束後強化其項目的市場分析、智慧財產權以及財務分析內容,併爲隔日第二次模擬路演做準備


Three mentors Chris Lamaison, Dr. Phil Coldrickand Dr. Natalja Tocelovska
focused on three key issues including market research, intellectual property
rights and financial analysis to assist participants in practical cases. Each
delegation team practiced on relevant areas and prepared for the second
simulation roadshow for the next day


學院安排創業團隊參訪國際知名機構 : 聚焦生命科學並具有國際影響力的貝博罕研究中心 , 英國最具示範效果的創新中心聖約翰創新中心以及近代科學史上第一個專業化科學實驗室並在 1952 年發現 DNA 雙螺旋結構的卡文迪許實驗室

Cambridge Innovation Academy arranged a series of visits for the delegation
to internationally influential institutions: the Babraham Research Campus,
which focuses on life sciences, and St. John\’s Innovation Center, which is the
UK\’s most exemplary innovation center, and Cavendish Laboratory, which is the
first specialized scientific laboratory in the history of modern science and
discovered the DNA double helix structure in 1952


劍橋創新學院將繼續深化與歐盟成員國的政府培訓項目 , 並着眼於從培訓到項目落地 , 科研轉化的各個環節 . 作爲中歐合作的紐帶 , 劍橋創新學院將建設橫跨歐洲和中國的產學研基地 , 積極推動歐洲各國與中國的雙向的流動 , 爲中國引進人才 , 專家 , 科研 , 項目 , 投融資等 , 成爲服務於一帶一路戰略的教育平臺 . 未來 , 拉脫維亞 , 芬蘭 , 波蘭 , 比利時 , 法國 , 格魯吉亞 , 愛沙尼亞和西班牙等國的科創營將會在中國舉辦 , 讓知識流動起來 , 人才走動起來 , 資源嫁接起來 , 項目合作起來 , 實現共同的繁榮

The Cambridge Innovation Academy will continue to deepen governmental
training programs with EU countries and focus on all aspects, from training to
project landing and scientific transformation. As a bridge between China and
Europe, Cambridge Innovation Academy will build a production and research base
for actively promoting the two-way flow between European countries and China,
and introduce talents, experts, scientific research, projects, investment and
financing services for China as an educational platform to serve the \”One Belt
One Road\” policy. In the future, more venture camps for countries such as
Latvia, Finland, Poland, Belgium, France, Georgia, Estonia and Spain will be
held in China


2、 XChain 訪問知名文創團隊 , 就影視動漫 IP 的打造開發探討合作的可能性

XChain visits a well-known cultural and creative team to explore the
possibility of cooperation in the development of film and television animation


在過去的一年,XChain 印尼團隊在當地同 BIGO 等知名直播遊戲平臺展開了深度合作 , 積累了在影視 , 動漫 , 遊戲直播領域數據管理的經驗 . 本週 XChain 收到中國大陸地區文創團隊帆魚文化的邀請 , 希望能夠共同探討影視動漫 IP 打造的合作方案

In the past year,XChain’s Indonesia team has carried out in-depth
cooperation with well-known live game platforms such as BIGO in the local
area, and accumulated experience in data management in the field of film,
video, animation and game broadcast. This week, XChain received an invitation
from the cultural and creative team in China to learn about the company, in
hope to discuss the cooperation plan


通過拜訪和了解 , 該團隊對時下流行的熱點元素把握的很到位 , 也有實際運營的經驗 , 有強大的創新能力和完整的 IP 整體打造思路以及實力 . 對消費者 , 尤其是 80,90 後消費者有深刻的洞察 , 能夠跟好的把握這部分消費羣體的需求

Through visits and understanding,the team has a good grasp of the popular
hotspot elements,and also has practical experience,strong innovation ability
and complete IP overall building ideas and strengths for consumers,especially
consumers between the age 20 and 30.It has deep insights and be able to grasp
the needs of the younger consumer group


目前該團隊在創建自己的電商 app, 希望自身開發的文創產品和 IP 衍生品能夠通過該渠道進行售賣 , 他們期望 XChain 能夠在未來參與到電商平臺的數據分析和管理工作中

Currently the team is creating its own e-commerce app,and hopes that its own
developed IP derivatives can be sold through this channel. They expect XChain
to participate in the data analysis and management of e-commerce platform in
the future


網站數據分析事關對目標客戶的定位及產品的經銷利潤 , 所以怎麼進行電商網站數據分析是不少電子商務網站管理運營者們最爲關心的問題 . 一般而言 , 電子商務網站數據分析包括了流量來源的分析及流量效率的分析 , 還有網站內部數據流的分析 , 用戶特徵分析這四個部分

E-commerce website data analysis is related to the positioning of target
customers and the distribution profit of products. Therefore, how to conduct
data analysis of e-commerce websites is the most concerned issue for many
e-commerce website management operators. In general, e-commerce website data
analysis includes analysis of traffic sources and analysis of traffic
efficiency, as well as analysis of internal data flow of the website and user
characteristics analysis


電商網站獲取流量是需要成本的 , 怎麼樣才能降低流量成本屬於電商網站運營最重要的一個部分 , 其中流量來源分析屬於重點 , 如在對電商網站進行數據分析的時候 , 要先明白用戶都是從哪裏點擊過來的 , 哪些網站可謂我們帶來更多的訂單 , 哪些流量來源是真實的 , 哪些屬於虛假的等等 . 弄清楚這些之後 , 才能穩定老客戶 , 發展新客戶 , 將網站推廣的更好

E-commerce websites need to obtain traffic. How to reduce the cost of
traffic is the most important part of e-commerce website operation. Traffic
source analysis is the key point. For example, when analyzing data on
e-commerce websites, you must first understand the users. Where are the clicks
from, which traffic sources are trustworthy, which are false and so on. After
figured this out, you can stabilize old customers, develop new customers, and
promote your website better


其次 , 流量效率分析也是必不可少的一部分 , 在進行電商網站數據分析的時候流量效率指的是流量達到了網站是否屬於真實的流量 . 那麼 , 在具體分析的時候 , 要看下它的到達率 ,PV/IP 比還有就是訂單轉化率等等 , 其中訂單轉化率是最重要的一方面 , 若沒有訂單轉換了一切都沒意義

Secondly, traffic efficiency analysis is also an indispensable part. When
conducting data analysis on e-commerce websites, traffic efficiency refers to
whether the traffic reaches the real traffic of the website. Then, in the
specific analysis, we must look at its arrival rate, PV / IP ratio,the order
conversion rate and so on. The order conversion rate is the most important
aspect, and it doesn’t make sense if there is no order conversion

最後 , 怎樣進行電商網站數據分析也離不開站內數據流分析這個方面 . 這裏所說的站內數據流的分析 , 主要是用於分析購物流程順暢程度及網站產品分佈合理與否等等 , 然後再根據這些來分析頁面流量排名及場景轉化率分析 , 站內搜索分析及客戶爲何離開頁面分析等問題的分析等等 , 查看問題所在 , 然後想辦法解決 , 才能讓網站產品得到更好的推廣

Finally, how to conduct data analysis on e-commerce websites is also
inseparable from the analysis of data flow in the station. The analysis of the
data flow in the station mentioned here is mainly used to analyze the
smoothness of the shopping process and the reasonable distribution of the
website products, etc., and then analyze the page traffic ranking and scenario
conversion rate analysis based on these.Leave the analysis of the page
analysis and other issues, check the problem, and then find a way to solve, in
order to make the website products better promoted


在帆魚文化同 XChain 進行深度交流後 , 雙方達成了初步的合作意向 ,XChain 將在未來派出技術團隊的成員與其進行下一步合作的探討

After the in-depth exchanges, the two sides reached a preliminary
cooperation intention,and XChain will send members of the technical team to
discuss the next step in the future


3、本週技術部分更新 Technical updats of this week

修改客戶端 bug,添加生成公鑰密鑰按鈕

Modify the client bug and add the generate public key button

編寫交易模塊 chaincode

Write the trading module chaincode


部署 fabirc-ca,實現用戶管理

Deploy fabirc-ca for user management


研究 truffleframework, 增加部分智能合約的測試用例

Research truffleframework,add test cases for some smart contracts


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