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  1. backtrader!

@ 菠菜


A feature-rich Python framework for backtesting and trading backtrader allows you to focus on writing reusable trading strategies, indicators and analyzers instead of having to spend time building infrastructure.

  1. 詳述鏈上自組織 DAO 的發展歷程與展望



DAO 是一次全新的人類組織方式的嘗試,通過區塊鏈讓治理的整個過程變得高效可信。

  1. Blockchain & DeFi Resources



Curated resources for beginners in the Crypto and DeFi space. Everything from Blockchain, Ethereum to Wallets, NFTs and Games.

Web3 極客日報是爲 Web3 時代的極客們準備的一份日報,它是由一羣極客們推薦他們認爲有價值的內容並附上一段推薦語,最後通過 Rebase 的成員整理編輯。

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Web3 極客日報 #513 | Rebase Network | Rebase 社區